
“Granting yourself permission to be creative with your whole being is the best gift you can give.”

— Aliina Lahti

Aliina and Makee 2023

Aliina has a Bachelors in Science, a dual degree in Sculpture Art/Art History & Biology — wha? yep, they go quite well together actually. In 2019 she completed a social justice based, Masters in Teaching Program at Western Washington University and had a beautiful baby boy all in the same year!! Aliina teaches art classes to all ages and creates color acrylic and watercolor art that she sells on this very website and through cafes & galleries across the Pacific Northwest.

I love teaching. Seeing people light up when they learn something new about how life works is so rewarding and I always learn something new. -Aliina

She is also a movement enthusiast. Aliina loves to play soccer and is an avid cyclist — hoping to help the planet one pedal at a time.

Her professional background is filled with a variety of non-profit and government work ranging from wildlife biology, habitat restoration, botany, teaching big kids and little kids about all the above.

Interested in working with Aliina? Contact her for…

Commissions and Lessons in:

  • Paintings in acrylics & watercolor

  • Bicycle Tube Jewelry

  • Art Direction and support

  • Yoga/Movement/Alignment

  • Natural sciences like Ethnobotany, Biology, Environmental

  • Forest Bathing and Mindfulness meditation