After School Art Series

from $0.00

WHEN? Wednesdays 1:30 - 3pm

Starting - March 13

Summary: We meet outside near the outlook off 53th and walk (or run depending on group enthusiasm) to a vista or into the woods or into my studio classroom.

Here, we settle in to make art! We study the elements and principals of art outlined in WA State Standards through hands on creation and conversation. Games and more movement are also part of the curriculum. Engaging the whole body in learning is key! Classes meet six times, once a week depending on weather. If its cold and rainy, or energy is low, we will stay inside the studio and create.

Students go home with an “exploration prompt” to do if they choose for enrichment.

I’m so excited you are getting your Little Creative outside this Season to expand their creativity! Please, don’t hesitate to contact me if you have questions.

The button below will take you to a signup waiver that you must read and “sign” before payment. Save $15 and pay with a check or cash before the start of the class. Your payment reserves your spot!

Payment Options:

These classes are designed considering each participant’s interests, level of understanding, and skill set. The class sizes are 6 - 8 students. This size allows for fun, paired and group activities to learn the elements and principles of art, as well as adds a nice variety to the 1.5 hour class.

Need some more clarification?

  • I define ages 6 - 16 as "youth", but the student needs to be able to be comfortable and able to maintain composure outside in all weather and be able to keep up walking a mile or so.

  • Some painting/art experience is helpful, but complete beginners are welcome

  • If the weather is too bad to focus on art, we will move indoors.

  • We will start with drawing and watercolor, unless a different medium is desired